Fama & French, Markowitz, Indexing, Size, Small caps, Value beleggen, Momentum factor, passief beleggen, efficiënte portefeuilles & Efficiënte Portefeuille Theorie, Factor beleggen, Smart-Bèta, Evidence-based beleggen…
Wil je alles weten over deze begrippen en zelf (met je adviseur) een degelijke strategie voor je beleggingsportefeuille bouwen? Bestel dan vandaag nog de boeken Beter Rendement met Minder Risico (ISBN 978-90-826691-3-8, 15 euro) en De Zoektocht naar Rendement (ISBN 978-90-826691-2-1, 15 euro). Als je wilt weten, wat anderen schrijven over deze boeken, lees dan verder!
De komende maanden zijn er diverse (professionele) beleggersevenementen waar de boeken ‘in the picture’ staan en gekocht kunnen worden:
27 september: Fund Seminar te Maarssen, www.fundseminar.nl Let op alleen toegankelijk voor adviseurs en beleggingsprofessionals
29 september: VFB Dag van de Tips, www.vfb.be. Voor zowel particuliere als professionele beleggers!
4 oktober: FFP congres, www.ffpcongres.nl. Let op alleen toegankelijk voor adviseurs en beleggingsprofessionals
19 november: Save the Date, meer nieuws volgt!!!
Wat anderen zeggen over… De zoektocht naar rendement
“Waarom steeds moeilijker doen als het ook makkelijk kan…” Egbert Berkhoff, directeur Fondsenplatform
“Larry Swedroe and Kevin Grogan have done it again, presenting practical solutions that lead to more optimal long-term portfolios explained in ways that all investors can understand.” Cliff Asness, Founder, Managing Principal and Chief Investment Officer, AQR Capital Management
“What Larry writes is always worth reading, and this book is no exception. Both a valuable wake-up call regarding the reality of today’s markets and an insightful guide tot he “science of investing,”results in his delivering on his promise to help the reader “learn how you can minimize the risks of incurring large losses in your investment portfolio while still allowing you to keep the portfolio’s expected returns at the level that could be expected from a market-like portfolio.” Buy it, read it and you and/or your clients will be well rewarded.” Harold Evensky, President, Evensky & Katz
“A usefull, quick and convincing read. A treasured complement to my collection of Swedroe books.” Ed Tower, Professor of Economics, Duke University
“Swedroe and Grogan take us on a bullet train through the lands of common investor mistakes to rescue by modern financial theory and efficient portfolios with proper design and diversification, and reduced risk relative, and the final arrival at the station.” John Haslem, Professor Emeritus of Finance, University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business, and Mutual Funds author and researcher
Wat anderen zeggen over… Beter rendement met minder risico?
“Als belegger en schrijver van het boek ‘High Returns from Low Risk’ ben ik gecharmeerd van het begrip ‘Evidence-Based Investing’. Dit boek onderschrijft deze beleggingsfilosofie door de klassieke Size en Value factoren, die inmiddels bekend zijn bij veel institutionele beleggers, op een heldere manier te presenteren. Systematisch toepassen van deze bewezen factoren in de beleggingsportefeuille kan helpen om het rendement te verhogen. Een geslaagd boek voor de Nederlandstalige belegger” Pim van Vliet, PhD
“Goed onderbouwd hoe beleggen werkt. Hiermee kan de financieel adviseur zich samen met de klant richten op de wensen en doelstellingen van de klant.” Michiel van Vugt – Manager Financieel Adviseurs NNEK & Schrijver ‘Net Iets Slimmer’
“If you think you can beat the market, you need to read this wise book. Swedroe and Berkin show that whatever superior investment performance you may achieve is fully accounted for by the risks you are taking with your money and even risk compensation may be shrinking as well. But there are things you can do, and the authors suggest a number of sensible strategies to improve investment results.” Burton Malkiel, Author of the Bestseller: A Random Walk Down Wall Street
“Swedroe and Berkin roll up their sleeves and dig into decades of research to help us better understand how markets work. The result is a clear and concise synthesis of how investing can indeed be a “winner’s game.” Read, study and apply their approach. “ Tobias Moskowitz, Fama Family professor of Finance, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and Managing Director, AQR Capital Management
“Based on decades of research and my personal experiences, I too gave up the quest for alpha long ago. I hol dan endowed chair in investments and am a member of The Wall Street Journal Experts panel. Yet I do not own a single individual stock or corporate bond. Rather, I invest in low-cost passive mutual funds and ETFs. Swedroe and Berkin demonstrate how this strategy can be used to achieve a prudent, globally diversified portfolio. Their book could well end up saving money – your money- and giving you a lot of free time.” William Reichenstein, Investment Professor at Baylor University
Wat anderen zeggen over… Alles wat je moet weten over Factor-Based Investing (nog niet verschenen in NL editie)
“Here is everything you ever wanted to know about factorinvesting in one book. The authors do an excellent job of summarizing all the the relevant research by both academics and practioners. Whether this is smart investing compared with broad-based, cap-weighted, low-cost indexing is controversial, but every smart investor should understand the case for this alternative approach.”
Burton Malkiel, Author of Bestseller: A Random Walk Down Wall Street
“Berkin and Swedroe apply a novel framework to evaluate the market’s most profitable anomalies and offer a roadmap that any investor can follow to better market outcomes. I’ll be referencing this for years to come.” Adam Butler, CEO, Resolve Asset Management
“What makes this book so valuable – and so unlike the vast majority of books on investing- is that its conclusions are firmly based on independent, peer-reviewed evidence. I highly recommend it.” Robin Powell, Founder of The Evidence-Based Investor Blog
“Explaining financial theory is not easy, but Ben and Robert have managed to do this in a good read for all investors! Insight into Behavior, Factors and Evidence-based research, helps investors achieve better outcomes.” Don Philips Board of Directors Morningstar Inc.
“Kies zelf wat er met je geld gebeurt, is ons credo! Robert en Ben slagen erin met alles over Factor-Based Investing, hun boeken, artikelen en lezingen, om van de lezer een betere belegger te maken. Je bent nooit te oud en het is altijd het moment, om te leren!” Siem de Rijter, (co) auteur van Ethisch beleggen is voor iedereen en lecturer bij UC Leuven-Limburg